CPL Classes Near You in Michigan
Michigan CPL Class Requirements
In Michigan you must be 21 years of age to obtain a concealed pistol license. You must be a U.S. citizen or a legal immigrant alien. You must also be a resident of Michigan for at least 6 months. This 6 month residency requirement may be waived for CCW holders of other states who have recently moved to Michigan.
A firearm safety course is required and you can read more about those requirements below.
You cannot have been convicted of a felony or certain misdemeanors. Most of the disqualifying misdemeanors are related to gun violations, violence, sexual crimes, drug and alcohol abuse, and fraud related crimes. A complete list can be found at the Michigan State Police website.
You cannot be under a personal protection court order or an order involving mental or legal incapacitation. Nor can you have a diagnosed mental illness when you apply for a CPL.
As of 2000 Michigan is a "shall issue" state. This means that if you meet all the qualifications of the law, the county gun board must issue a license to you. Before this change in the law the county gun boards had more discretion in who they issued a permit to. A person had to show a need for a concealed pistol license.
To begin, it's important to understand what a CPL is and how it works. A CPL is a license that allows you to carry a concealed weapon in Michigan. It's issued by the county clerk in the county where you reside. Once you have a CPL, you can carry a concealed weapon on your person or in your vehicle, as long as you follow Michigan's gun laws. However, it's important to note that a CPL does not give you the right to carry a weapon in all situations, and there are certain places where carrying a weapon is prohibited. In the following paragraphs, we'll cover the eligibility criteria, application process, and training requirements for obtaining a CPL in Michigan.
Key Takeaways
- To get a CPL in Michigan, you must be at least 21 years old, a U.S. citizen or legal resident, and a resident of Michigan for at least six months.
- You'll need to complete an application, provide fingerprints, and pay a fee to obtain a CPL. You must also complete a firearms safety training course.
- Once you have a CPL, you can carry a concealed weapon on your person or in your vehicle, but there are certain places where carrying a weapon is prohibited.
What will you learn in class?
CPL Classes in Michigan are required to be at least 8 hours long. They must be certified by Michigan or a national or state firearms training organization. The classroom training portion must be at least 5 hours and will cover the following topics:
- The safe storage and handling of a pistol including protecting children from accessing a weapon.
- Selecting the proper ammunition
- The fundamentals of pistol shooting
- Shooting positions
- Avoiding and controlling a violent attack
- Laws relating to concealed carry including the use of deadly force and civil liability issues (i.e. "What happens after you shoot")
The remaining 3 hours of training must be conducted on the shooting range. You will need to bring a minimum of 30 rounds of ammunition to the class. Your instructor may want you to bring more than this.
To pass the shooting practice, you must score a minimum of 70% on a 30-round course of fire. The course of fire includes shooting from various distances and positions, including standing, kneeling, and prone.
At the completion of the class your instructor will give you a certificate of completion. By law this certificate should have the wording, "This course complies with section 5j of 1927 PA 372". Your certificate of completion expires after 5 years, so don't wait too long to apply. The knowledge gained from this course will eventually fade from your mind so you should continue your education by reading current books on concealed carry laws and tactics.

Understanding CPL
A CPL allows you to carry a concealed firearm in public places, as long as you follow the state's laws and regulations. Here is what you need to know:
To be eligible for a CPL in Michigan, you must meet certain requirements. You must be at least 21 years old, a citizen or legal resident of the United States, and a legal resident of Michigan for at least six months prior to applying. You must also not have any felony convictions or pending charges, and you must not have been convicted of certain misdemeanors within the past eight years.
Mental Health
Michigan law prohibits individuals who have been involuntarily hospitalized or placed in involuntary alternative treatment due to mental illness from obtaining a CPL. If you have been legally incapacitated or deemed mentally incompetent by a court, you are also ineligible to apply for a CPL.
Criminal Record
Michigan law prohibits individuals who have been convicted of a felony, or who have been found guilty but mentally ill, not guilty by reason of insanity, or acquitted by reason of insanity from obtaining a CPL. Additionally, if you have any outstanding bond or conditional release, or if you have a statutory disqualification or personal protection order against you, you are not eligible to apply for a CPL.
It is important to note that Michigan law allows for certain felony convictions to be expunged, which may restore your eligibility for a CPL. However, it is important to consult with an attorney to determine if you are eligible for expungement and to properly complete the process.
Your CPL is valid for five years from the date of issue. You can renew your CPL up to six months before it expires. The renewal process is similar to the initial application process, but you do not need to retake the training course or undergo another background check.
Application Process
To obtain a CPL in Michigan, you must go through an application process that includes submitting an application, undergoing fingerprinting and a background check, and receiving your license. Here is what you need to know about each step:
Initial Application
To apply for a CPL in Michigan, you must first obtain an application from your county clerk's office or online. The application requires you to provide personal information, including your name, address, and driver's license number. You must also disclose any criminal history and provide information about any mental health treatment you have received.
Once you have completed the application, you must sign it in front of the county clerk and pay the applicable fees. As of 2023, the fee for a new CPL application is $100 plus $15 for fingerprinting. The county clerk will then forward your application to the Michigan State Police.
Fingerprinting and Background Check
You can obtain fingerprinting services at your local sheriff's office or police agency. The fingerprints must be classifiable and meet certain quality standards.
The Michigan State Police will then conduct a background check that includes a search of state and national criminal records, as well as the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The background check typically takes several weeks to complete.
License Issuance
If your background check is clear and you meet all other eligibility requirements, the Michigan State Police will issue your CPL. The license is valid for five years from the date of issuance.
It is important to note that a CPL does not allow you to carry a concealed pistol in all locations. Certain areas, such as schools and government buildings, are prohibited by law. You can find a list of prohibited locations on the Michigan State Police website.
Rights and Responsibilities
Possessing and Transporting
As a Michigan resident with a Concealed Pistol License (CPL), you have certain rights and responsibilities when it comes to possessing and transporting firearms. You are allowed to carry a concealed pistol in Michigan, as long as you follow the rules and regulations set forth by the state.
When transporting a firearm without a CPL license, it must be unloaded and enclosed in a case in the trunk of your vehicle or in a location that is not readily accessible to anyone in the vehicle. With a CPL license you are allowed to carry the pistol on your person.
Legal Representation
If you are ever involved in a situation where you have used your firearm, or if you are facing criminal charges related to firearms, it is important to seek legal representation from an experienced criminal defense attorney. Your attorney can help protect your rights and ensure that you receive a fair trial.
When choosing a criminal defense attorney, it is important to find someone who has experience handling firearm-related cases and is knowledgeable about Michigan's firearms laws. Look for an attorney who is confident and knowledgeable in their approach to your case.
Remember, as a CPL holder, you have a responsibility to use your firearm safely and responsibly. Always follow the rules and regulations set forth by the state and seek legal representation if you are ever in a situation where you need it.
Special Circumstances
Emergency License
If you require a CPL for an emergency situation, you may be eligible for an emergency license. This license is only valid for 30 days and can be obtained by contacting your local county clerk's office. You will need to provide documentation of the emergency situation, such as a restraining order or a police report.
Active Duty Status
If you are a member of the United States Armed Forces and are stationed in Michigan, you may be eligible for a CPL. You will need to provide proof of your active duty status, such as your military ID or orders. Additionally, if Michigan is your home of record, you may be eligible for a CPL without having to meet the six-month residency requirement.
Replacement License
If you lose your CPL or it is stolen, you can obtain a replacement license by contacting your local county clerk's office. You will need to provide identification, such as your driver's license or official Michigan personal identification card, and pay a replacement fee. If you have moved since obtaining your CPL, you will need to provide proof of your new address, such as a utility bill or voter registration.
Buying and Selling Firearms
If you are looking to purchase a firearm in Michigan, there are a few things you should be aware of. First, if you have a valid Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL), it acts as a purchase permit for pistols. However, if you do not have a CPL, you will need to obtain a license to purchase a pistol from any law enforcement agency in Michigan.
To purchase a firearm from a federally licensed firearms dealer (FFL), you must be at least 21 years old to buy a handgun and 18 years old to buy a rifle. The FFL will conduct a background check on you through the United States Department of Justice Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) before completing the sale.
When purchasing a firearm from a private seller, you must be over 18 to buy a rifle, and over 21 to buy a handgun from a private seller who is not an FFL. It is important to note that private sales are not subject to background checks in Michigan, so it is up to the buyer to ensure that they are legally allowed to purchase and possess the firearm.
If you are selling a firearm in Michigan, you must follow certain guidelines. If the buyer has a valid Michigan CPL, they do not need a license to purchase a pistol. However, if the buyer does not have a CPL, they will need to obtain a license to purchase a pistol from any law enforcement agency in Michigan.
When selling a firearm to a private buyer, it is important to fill out a pistol sales record in lieu of obtaining a license to purchase. This record should include the name, address, and date of birth of the buyer, as well as the make, model, and serial number of the firearm being sold.
If you are a firearms dealer in Michigan, you must be licensed by the ATF and follow all federal and state laws regarding the sale and transfer of firearms. It is important to keep accurate records of all sales and transfers, and to conduct background checks on all buyers.
Appeals Process
If your application for a concealed pistol license (CPL) is denied, you have the right to appeal the decision. The appeals process for CPLs in Michigan is governed by § 28.425d of the Michigan Compiled Laws and Michigan Court Rules 7.121. Here's what you need to know to file an appeal:
Claim of Appeal on Application for Concealed Pistol License
The first step in the appeals process is to file a claim of appeal on your application for a CPL. This claim must state whether you are appealing a statutory disqualification, failure to issue a receipt, or failure to issue a CPL, and the facts on which venue is based. The claim of appeal must be signed as stated in MCR 7.104 (C) (3) and must be served on all parties and the county clerk by first-class mail addressed to their last-known addresses as defined by MCR 2.107(C)(3).
The venue for your appeal will be the circuit court in the county where you filed your application for a CPL. If you have moved since filing your application, you may still appeal in the county where you filed your application, or you may appeal in the county where you currently reside.
Once your claim of appeal is filed, the circuit court will schedule a hearing. You will have the opportunity to present evidence and argue your case. The county clerk will also present evidence and argue against your appeal. The circuit court will then make a decision based on the evidence presented.
Further Appeals
If you are unhappy with the circuit court's decision, you may appeal to the Michigan Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals will review the record of the circuit court hearing and make a decision based on that record.
Keep in mind that the appeals process can be lengthy and expensive, so it's important to make sure you have a strong case before pursuing an appeal. If you have any questions about the appeals process or need assistance with your claim of appeal, it's a good idea to consult with an attorney who specializes in CPL appeals.
How long does it take to get a license?
You must file your application with the county clerk in your county of residence. The application should include your certificate of completion and a passport quality photo. You will also need to be fingerprinted at your local sheriff's office. Your fingerprints will be forwarded to the Michigan State Police to be processed. The county gun board will issue or deny your license within 45 days of receiving the fingerprint comparison report
How much does the license cost?
You must pay $100 to the county clerk when submitting your application. There may be an additional $15 fee for fingerprinting at your local sheriff's office.
Is Open Carry Permitted in Michigan?
Yes, open carry is legal for Michigan residents without a permit. Non-residents can open carry only if they have a valid permit from their home state.
Can I Concealed Carry Other Weapons?
Yes, you may carry a concealed stun gun or Taser if you have a valid CPL. You must also undergo training specifically for the use and risks of stun guns and Tasers.
You may carry pepper spray without a valid CPL in Michigan as long as you are not a minor.
Can Non-Residents Get A CPL?
Generally no, most non-residents can not get a CPL. The exception is for active duty members of the military if Michigan is your home of record.
If you move to Michigan you generally have to be a resident for 6 months before applying for your CPL. If you already have a permit from your previous home state the 6 month requirement will be waived.
Do I Have To Notify An Officer That I’m Carrying?
Yes, Michigan law says you have a duty to tell an officer that you are carrying a concealed weapon. If you are pulled over, you should do the following things:
- Turn on your overhead light.
- Put your hands on the steering wheel or the car door.
- Inform the officer immediately that you are a CPL holder and are carrying a concealed handgun or other weapon.
- Give the officer your CPL permit and other documents that are requested.
At that point the officer may want you to step out of the vehicle and secure the firearm before proceeding. You should always comply with a police officer.
Are “No Weapons Allowed” Signs Enforced?
No, these signs are not enforced in Michigan.
Can I Carry While Using Alcohol Or Other Controlled Substances?
You are not allowed to carry while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance. Under the influence of alcohol is defined as a BAC of .02 or greater in Michigan.
Reciprocity with other states
Michigan CPL's are recognized in many other states. Check out this map before traveling to other states.
Note: Always call the attorney general's office of other states where you plan to travel to confirm that reciprocity laws have not changed. Also remember that deadly force laws vary by state. Understand the laws of the states you are traveling in.

Where can you not carry a concealed weapon?
One interesting fact about Michigan is that you are allowed to carry a concealed weapon in a state park with a valid license. Check the list below for areas where you are not allowed to carry in Michigan.
- Schools (A parent or legal guardian may carry in their vehicle while dropping off or picking up a student)
- Day care centers
- Sports arena or stadium
- A business whose primary source of income is sales of alcohol to be consumed on the premises.
- Churches or places of worship (Unless concealed weapons are allowed by the church)
- An entertainment facility with a seating capacity of 2,500 or more
- Hospitals
- Dormitory and classrooms of colleges and universities
- Casinos
- Courts (unless approved by a judge)
Another interesting fact about Michigan is that you are allowed to carry on the parking areas of these prohibited places. This is a very sensible move by Michigan's legislature and makes life easier for CPL holders.
In addition to the above "pistol free areas" you should also follow federal laws. You can not carry into federal government buildings, meeting places, or places where federal government employees are present.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to get a CPL in Michigan?
The processing time for a CPL application in Michigan is generally 45 days. However, it may take longer if there are any issues with your application.
How much does a CPL class cost in Michigan?
The cost of a CPL class in Michigan varies depending on the training facility and the course you choose. On average, a CPL class can cost between $100 and $200.
Can you get your CPL license online in Michigan?
No, you cannot get your CPL license online in Michigan. You must complete an in-person training course and submit your application in person.
What is the shooting requirement for CPL in Michigan?
To obtain a CPL in Michigan, you must demonstrate basic pistol safety and proficiency by completing a shooting test. The shooting test consists of firing 30 rounds from a distance of 3, 5, and 7 yards.
What are the Michigan CPL exemption requirements?
Michigan CPL exemption requirements include being a peace officer, member of the military, or a retired peace officer. You must also have completed firearms training within the last year.
Can you get a CPL with a misdemeanor in Michigan?
It depends on the type of misdemeanor. Some misdemeanors may disqualify you from obtaining a CPL in Michigan, while others may not. It is best to check with the Michigan State Police for more information.
How Long Is A Cpl Good For In Michigan?
A CPL in Michigan is valid for five years. After that, you must renew your license.
Can I Renew My CPL In Michigan Online?
No, you cannot renew your CPL in Michigan online. You must renew your license in person at your local county clerk's office.
Can I Get A CPL In Michigan With An Expunged Record?
It depends on the circumstances of your expunged record. You may still be able to obtain a CPL in Michigan, but you should check with the Michigan State Police for more information.
Can I Get A CPL In Michigan With A DUI?
It depends on the severity and timing of the DUI. A recent DUI conviction may disqualify you from obtaining a CPL in Michigan, while an older conviction may not. It is best to check with the Michigan State Police for more information.
Can I Check The Status Of My CPL In Michigan?
Yes, you can check the status of your CPL application in Michigan by contacting the Michigan State Police.
What Can Stop You From Getting Your CPL In Michigan?
Several factors can disqualify you from obtaining a CPL in Michigan, including felony convictions, certain misdemeanors, and a history of mental illness. It is best to check with the Michigan State Police for more information.
Can A Felon Get A CPL In Michigan?
No, a felon cannot obtain a CPL in Michigan.
Can You Open Carry With CPL In Michigan?
Yes, you can open carry with a CPL in Michigan. However, you must still follow all applicable laws and regulations.
The processing time for a CPL application in Michigan is generally 45 days. However, it may take longer if there are any issues with your application.
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How much does a CPL class cost in Michigan?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
The cost of a CPL class in Michigan varies depending on the training facility and the course you choose. On average, a CPL class can cost between $100 and $200.
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can you get your CPL license online in Michigan?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
No, you cannot get your CPL license online in Michigan. You must complete an in-person training course and submit your application in person.
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the shooting requirement for CPL in Michigan?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
To obtain a CPL in Michigan, you must demonstrate basic pistol safety and proficiency by completing a shooting test. The shooting test consists of firing 30 rounds from a distance of 3, 5, and 7 yards.
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are the Michigan CPL exemption requirements?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
Michigan CPL exemption requirements include being a peace officer, member of the military, or a retired peace officer. You must also have completed firearms training within the last year.
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can you get a CPL with a misdemeanor in Michigan?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
It depends on the type of misdemeanor. Some misdemeanors may disqualify you from obtaining a CPL in Michigan, while others may not. It is best to check with the Michigan State Police for more information.
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How Long Is A Cpl Good For In Michigan?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
A CPL in Michigan is valid for five years. After that, you must renew your license.
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I Renew My CPL In Michigan Online?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
No, you cannot renew your CPL in Michigan online. You must renew your license in person at your local county clerk's office.
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I Get A CPL In Michigan With An Expunged Record?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
It depends on the circumstances of your expunged record. You may still be able to obtain a CPL in Michigan, but you should check with the Michigan State Police for more information.
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I Get A CPL In Michigan With A DUI?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
It depends on the severity and timing of the DUI. A recent DUI conviction may disqualify you from obtaining a CPL in Michigan, while an older conviction may not. It is best to check with the Michigan State Police for more information.
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I Check The Status Of My CPL In Michigan?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
Yes, you can check the status of your CPL application in Michigan by contacting the Michigan State Police.
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What Can Stop You From Getting Your CPL In Michigan?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
Several factors can disqualify you from obtaining a CPL in Michigan, including felony convictions, certain misdemeanors, and a history of mental illness. It is best to check with the Michigan State Police for more information.
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can A Felon Get A CPL In Michigan?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
No, a felon cannot obtain a CPL in Michigan.
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can You Open Carry With CPL In Michigan?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
Yes, you can open carry with a CPL in Michigan. However, you must still follow all applicable laws and regulations.
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